We are proud to announce that “THE SUKIMONO BOOK” is publishing a book about Post O`Alls. Mr. Manabu Harada, the author of this book did a great job of summarizing brand’s 30-year journey.
As the title states, this is a playground of dilatants, fanatics, and connoisseurs “SUKIMONO”. We seek neither fame nor fortune, nor do we strive to start a movement or fad. We gather together to show our passion in this book because we must, because we are driven to do so.
This is the first brand archive for Sukimono Book, celebrating the 30th anniversary of “Post Overalls”. Designer Mr. Ohfuchi started the brand in 1993 in New York.
It boggles my mind when I consider the items he created and its timeline. To be gathering good details of 1920s coveralls in 1993 or making fatigue pants with subtle shade variations of the parts in the late 1990s, Mr. Ohfuchi pursued and enjoyed creating items that would be understood and appreciated in the vintage market more than 10 years later.
In this 30-year journey, I`m confident that Mr. Ohfuchi’s “ahead-of-his-time” sensibilities have pushed the vintage market forward in several ways. The reason vintage enthusiasts respect Post O`Alls is because they can feel this.
Lastly, I would like to call the items introduced in this book “Old POST”.
原田 学 / Manabu Harada