POST Bandana Scarf (1993 design)
4 products
4 products
#5001 POST Bandana Scarf (original 1993 design)
Using the dual dot design from the first bandana from 1993 and taking inspiration from vintage uncut bandana fabric, a scarf designed as 3 bandanas combined.
quality : 100% cotton
size : 138cm × 45cm
made in Japan
#1960 POST Tenugui
Tシャツのネックに入れても良いし、ベストやジャケットの襟元にスカーフの様に仕込んでも実用的なアクセントになります。Post O’Allsの手拭いは通常のものよりも長めに作られているので、スカーフの様に使う場合にも都合の良いサイズに設定されています。単色のネイビーと、白からダークネイビーのグラデーションの2色展開。
Japanese “Tenugui” is a useful neckwear for the spring and summer season.
It can be tucked into the neck of a T-shirt, wrapped around the collar like a scarf when wearing a vest or jacket, serving as a practical accessory. Post O’Alls tenuguis are made longer than average, enhancing their versatility to be used as scarves. Available in two colors- solid navy and white/navy gradient.
Both are specially made by “Kamawanu.”
*Tenugui refers to a traditional Japanese hand towel.
quality : 100% cotton
size : 116cm × 34cm
made in Japan