#1512-WM2 Royal Traveler : wool melton navy


#1512-WM2 Royal Traveler : wool melton navy

  • Few left
Regular price ¥50,600
Tax included.
  • All product prices are displayed including 10% sales tax. For orders outside Japan, sales tax will be automatically removed at checkout.
  • Worldwide shipping available.
    *Some countries and regions cannot be shipped due to current carrier circumstances.You can not proceed check out process in case shipping is not available.
  • We sell merchandise via online and at store same time. Please note that in some instance, an item has sold either way and has not reflected on inventory yet, resulting an item is actually sold out but you could still check out online.
    当サイトに掲載している商品は、弊社店頭でも同時に販売しております。 その為、ご注文を頂いた時点で稀に完売してしまい欠品してしまう場合がございます。 予めご了承いただきますようお願い申し上げます。
  • Please allow some deviation in measurements of each garment, due to old time manufacturing process such as felled seams.
    商品によっては若干の個体差が出る場合がございます。 表記の寸法との若干の差異は予めご了承いただきますようお願い申し上げます。

quality : 90% wool 10% nylon
Made in Japan

The Royal Traveler Vest and Shirt are featured this season with a selection of fabrics that are especially exciting when layering. The iridescent polyester and nylon taffeta series continues to have more and more powerful standout color variations. New for this season is melton wool in the vest variant and indigo jacquard available for both styles which blend perfectly into the style of the collection. The Royal Traveler Shirt is updated for this season with a wider shoulder allowing the item to be worn more as an outerwear piece as well as an inner layer.

今シーズンのロイヤルトララーびロイヤルトララーシャは、特にレイヤリングにテンションの上 がる生地ラインナップとなっています。引き続きの玉虫調のタフタ系はカラーバリエーションがパーア ップされ、インディゴ系のシーチングもシーズンの気分えています。1/2 スリーブのいたバージョ ンは、肩周りがやや大きめに修正されて、よりアターっく着こなせるように配慮されています。

size back length
shoulder width
chest width
M 65cm 37cm 54cm
L 68cm 38cm 58cm
XL 71cm
39cm 61cm
  • All product prices are displayed including 10% sales tax. For orders outside Japan, sales tax will be automatically removed at checkout.
  • Worldwide shipping available.
    *Some countries and regions cannot be shipped due to current carrier circumstances.You can not proceed check out process in case shipping is not available.
  • We sell merchandise via online and at store same time. Please note that in some instance, an item has sold either way and has not reflected on inventory yet, resulting an item is actually sold out but you could still check out online.
    当サイトに掲載している商品は、弊社店頭でも同時に販売しております。 その為、ご注文を頂いた時点で稀に完売してしまい欠品してしまう場合がございます。 予めご了承いただきますようお願い申し上げます。
  • Please allow some deviation in measurements of each garment, due to old time manufacturing process such as felled seams.
    商品によっては若干の個体差が出る場合がございます。 表記の寸法との若干の差異は予めご了承いただきますようお願い申し上げます。
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